Cleveland adds hundreds of surveillance cameras to citywide network

Published: Sep. 19, 2023 at 5:20 PM EDT
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CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - The city of Cleveland’s new camera registry has grown by hundreds of new cameras since we first told you about the program in July.

The camera sharing access program is connected citywide in an effort to keep you safe.

Many of the cameras can be accessed by public safety at any time.

City officials are hoping more businesses and homeowners will sign up.

Hundreds of surveillance cameras on stores, office buildings, small businesses, churches and houses are now a part of a city-wide camera registry called SAFE SMART CLE.

We found the city now has 346 registered cameras and 2,219 integrated cameras.

That’s up from nearly 2,000 cameras back in July.

“So we want the neighborhood and community to be involved, because when it comes to crime, it’s it’s an everybody problem and looking at the neighborhoods participating, the businesses participating, business owners-- everybody participating will help reduce crime,” said Nicole Carlton, assistant director of public safety for the city of Cleveland.

The city uses the registry to find available cameras nearby in case of an incident.

If you take the next step and integrate your camera, the Department of Public Safety gets direct access to your live feed in case of an emergency.

This tool could possibly help paramedics find victims of accidents and help police officers track down missing people or suspects.

Cameras on the registry are monitored by police in real time.

The city provides businesses a “core” device for free.

It plugs into the camera system and gives the city access to a live feed.

The city can only access a homeowner’s camera if something happens and they come to your house to view the recording.