19 Troubleshooters get results: Door locks fixed at Forest Hill Terrace Apartments in East Cleveland

Published: Jul. 18, 2023 at 5:44 PM EDT
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EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - Tenants at the Forest Hill Terrace Apartment complex in East Cleveland can rest easier now that they’re living in locked buildings, with 24-7 security.

The safety changes were made after a murder inside an apartment and two 19 News stories.

Tenants now have to use a set of keys to get into their homes.

It’s a simple system, but believe it or not, a big step forward for this building that hadn’t seen locks in months.

Back in May, tenants we’re dealing with broken doors, where strangers and criminals could walk right in, and part-time security.

Fast forward to July, a man was found shot to death in his apartment.

Some tenants like Patricia Parker believed better security may have prevented it.

“Just maybe if we had better security to call upon someone, if you hear yelling or if you hear fighting or something, security could come knock on the door and address this issue.” said Parker.

But after our 19 Troubleshooter story aired revealing these safety risks, Parker said it caught the attention of management.

“They came back immediately,” said Parker. “Might not have been the next day, but the day after they were certainly here. They were looking around, checking things out.”

The system they came up with includes door locks requiring keys for every tenant.

The doors then delay closing, a concern for some like Parker, but convenient for anyone disabled.

As for security, management dumped their part-time team, and hired one full time guard, working 24-7.

A big step forward, and Parker’s thanking 19 News.

“Absolutely,” said Parker. “Channel 19 was fabulous.”

Tenants still have other concerns, like not being able to get into the side door of the building, and wanting security for all three buildings.

We asked Fairstead Management about this.

They sent us a response saying, “We continue to work toward providing secure building access to residents of Forest Hill Terrace. We look forward to our ongoing work partnering with residents and local leaders to foster a safe and affordable community.”